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DeArmond M75

DeArmond  "Bluesbird" med de berømte DeArmond USA Goldfoil humbuckere. Den er fra år 2000 og i go’ stand.  Designet er baseret på de gamle amerikanske Guild Bluesbird modeller  - nørder mener at disse koreanskbyggede DeArmond håndværksmæssigt er på højde med de gamle Guild modeller - og at de nye asiatiske Guild guitarer ikke kan følge med de koreanske DeArmond topmodeller fra årtusindeskiftet.

  • På DeArmonds hjemmeside kunne man læse:

    "DeArmond pickups of the 1950s and '60s are revered and collected around the world because they reflect the era of discovery when electric guitar was experimental and new.
    After purchasing the DeArmond Company in 1996, Fender's Research and Development department set about determining which DeArmond pickup models could be recreated and how to make the most of these classic designs. The solution to these questions was to produce the DeArmond guitar line in which the sound of these modernized, American-made pickups are combined here classic guitar designs by Guild.  Guild staff travelled to Korea to select the right builder who could faithfully reproduce the old Guild body designs that had been chosen as the basis for the DeArmond guitar line. Tooling was designed and built specially for these guitars and was not selected off the cookie-cutter shelf that serves so often as the source of imported designs. The visual appeal is undeniable and the sound quality is absolutely unchallenged by any guitar anywhere near the price. The only way to really appreciate DeArmond guitars is to hear and feel them."
    Jeg mener at Fender er holdt op med at producere DeArmond guitarer og at det kun er pickupperne, de stadig markedsfører.’


DeArmond M75